Schaar Dental Wellness

Cosmetic Dentistry in Victoria, TX

The Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry enhances your self-esteem and helps you feel more positive about yourself. If you're unhappy with your smile due to cosmetic concerns, you might avoid smiling, speaking, laughing, or even eating. With cosmetic treatments from Dr. Schaar, you can regain confidence in your appearance. Don't hesitate – reach out today to discover how we can enhance your smile!

Am I a Good Candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry?

An ideal candidate for cosmetic dentistry is someone dissatisfied with their smile due to teeth imperfections, provided they maintain good oral health without signs of tooth decay or gum disease.

For individuals with severely damaged teeth, restorative dentistry may be more appropriate. While cosmetic dentistry can address minor issues like chips, cracks, discoloration, gaps, and misaligned teeth, severely damaged teeth may necessitate dental crowns or even root canal treatment.

It's important to note that a purely cosmetic solution may not suffice for restoring severely damaged teeth to health. However, cosmetic dentistry often provides restorative benefits for minor tooth damage.

Realistic expectations about the extent of improvement achievable through cosmetic treatments are crucial. While cosmetic procedures can enhance the appearance of your teeth, comprehensive transformations can be costly, and dental insurance typically does not cover purely cosmetic procedures. To determine candidacy, a consultation is essential.

What to Expect During Your Cosmetic Consultation:

Initial Consultation

Upon your consultation, Dr. Schaar will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth, assessing visible signs of damage, discoloration, or any cosmetic concerns. X-rays will be taken to ensure there are no underlying oral health issues.

Patient Discussion

Dr. Schaar will engage in a discussion about your specific concerns regarding your teeth and what changes you would like to see. This dialogue forms the basis for creating a tailored treatment plan that accommodates your budget while addressing all identified issues, aiming for the most efficient treatment approach.

Treatment Plan

A personalized treatment plan will be formulated, minimizing the number of required treatments. If tooth restorations or Invisalign aligners are needed, impressions may be taken at this stage. A detailed quote will be provided, follow-up appointments scheduled, sedation options discussed, and the anticipated duration of the treatment outlined.

Treatment Logistics & Schedule

Details such as the scheduling of follow-up appointments, options for sedation, and the timeline of your treatment will be thoroughly discussed. Depending on the nature of the treatment, some procedures may be completed in a single appointment, while others may be spaced out over several months.


For a Limited Time: Now Accepting New Patients!

Monday – Thursday
8 AM – 5 PM

(361) 576-0593

2506 E. Mockingbird Lane
Victora, TX 77904

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