Schaar Dental Wellness

Low Cost Teeth Whitening in Victoria, TX

Rejuvenate Stained & Yellowed Teeth

Low Cost & High Quality Teeth Whitening Options Available

Teeth whitening is an excellent way to transform your smile and restore your self-confidence if you suffer from surface stains or yellowing. With our whitening treatments, you can feel proud of your appearance once again.

Teeth whitening also helps rejuvenate your appearance and makes you look younger. In addition, we’ve found that people who invest in teeth whitening are more likely to care for their smiles properly, leading to better overall oral health. Get in touch with our team to schedule your consultation and see if whitening is right for you! We proudly serve the dental patients of Victoria TX!

Am I A Good Candidate For Teeth Whitening?

Just about anyone can get teeth whitening, as long as your mouth is free of serious oral health issues like gum disease and cavities. However, you will want to tell Dr. Schaar if you have sensitive teeth.

He will need to adjust your treatment accordingly to minimize your discomfort since teeth whitening can cause some minor tooth sensitivity.

Understanding Your Options

Take-Home Whitening Process

You’ll come to our office to have molds taken of your teeth, which will be used to make a set of custom whitening trays. Once these trays have been built, you’ll come back to pick them up, and you’ll also get whitening instructions and a set of whitening products from Dr. Schaar.

Simply follow your instructions to whiten your teeth at home, and enjoy professional results without spending time in the dentist’s chair.

In-Office Whitening Process

In-office whitening is done by Dr. Schaar at your dentist in Victoria. He will clean your teeth, apply a peroxide whitener, then activate it with a UV light all while you relax and enjoy the relaxing amenities of the office.

This process may be repeated several times to reach your desired level of brightness. You can usually whiten your teeth by 5-10 shades in one appointment.


For a Limited Time: Now Accepting New Patients!

Monday – Thursday
8 AM – 5 PM

(361) 576-0593

2506 E. Mockingbird Lane
Victora, TX 77904

Interested in Making an Appointment?

Fill out the form below and a member of our team will get back to you with your appointment confirmation shortly!